Spider Curls vs Preacher Curls: Which is Better for Building Huge Biceps?



Spider Curls vs Preacher Curls: Which is Better for Building Huge Biceps?

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Are you looking to build some serious biceps? Well, you’re in luck, because today we’re going to dive into the world of spider curls and preacher curls. These are two popular exercises that can help you achieve those massive biceps you’ve always dreamed of. So which one is better? Let’s find out!

Spider curls and preacher curls both target and isolate the biceps muscles, but they do so in slightly different ways. Spider curls are performed using an incline bench, with your arms hanging straight down and your elbows resting on the bench.

As you curl the weight up towards your chest, you’ll feel an intense contraction in your biceps. On the other hand, preacher curls are performed using a special preacher curl bench, where your arms are fully supported and your upper arms are positioned on a pad. This exercise also provides a great bicep workout, with an emphasis on the peak of the muscle.

While both exercises have their benefits, the choice between spider curls and preacher curls ultimately comes down to personal preference and your specific goals. Some people may find that spider curls offer a greater range of motion and a more intense contraction in the biceps, while others may prefer the stability and controlled movement of preacher curls.

Spider Curls vs Preacher Curls: Which is Better for Building Huge Biceps?

Spider Curls

Definition and Technique of Spider Curls

Spider Curls are a variation of the traditional bicep curl exercise. In Spider Curls, you sit on an inclined bench, positioning your chest against the inclined surface. Instead of curling the dumbbells or barbell with your arms hanging freely, as in regular bicep curls, your arms are extended forward and perpendicular to the ground. This positioning limits the involvement of other muscles and isolates the biceps, placing more emphasis on them.

To perform Spider Curls effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Sit on an inclined bench with your chest against the inclined surface and your arms extended forward and perpendicular to the ground.
  2. Hold a dumbbell or a barbell in each hand with an underhand grip.
  3. Keep your upper arms stationary and curl the weights towards your shoulders.
  4. Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement and then slowly lower the weights back to the starting position.

Benefits of Spider Curls

Spider Curls offer several benefits for building huge biceps:

  1. Isolation: Spider Curls isolate the biceps, minimizing the involvement of other muscles such as the shoulders or back. This concentrated effort allows for an intense bicep workout.
  2. Full Range of Motion: The inclined position of Spider Curls allows for a fuller range of motion compared to traditional standing bicep curls. This increased range can lead to improved muscle activation and growth.
  3. Control and Stability: Resting your arms against the inclined bench provides stability, reducing the chances of cheating or swinging the weights. This ensures proper form and targets the biceps more effectively.
  4. Increased Muscle Activation: Spider Curls put the biceps in a lengthened position at the bottom of the movement, maximizing muscle activation and creating greater tension on the biceps.

Muscles Targeted by Spider Curls

Spider Curls primarily target the biceps brachii, which is the main muscle responsible for elbow flexion. Specifically, Spider Curls emphasize the long head of the biceps, located on the outer portion of the upper arm. While other muscles, such as the brachialis and brachioradialis, are also engaged to some extent, the main focus is on the biceps brachii.

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Variations of Spider Curls

There are a few variations of Spider Curls that you can incorporate into your routine to add variety and challenge:

  1. Alternating Spider Curls: Instead of performing Spider Curls with both arms simultaneously, alternate between left and right arms to further engage the biceps.
  2. Hammer Spider Curls: Instead of using an underhand grip, use a neutral grip (palms facing each other) to shift the emphasis to the brachialis muscle, creating a more well-rounded bicep workout.
  3. Cable Spider Curls: If you don’t have access to an inclined bench, you can perform Spider Curls using a cable machine with an appropriate attachment for curls. This variation offers similar benefits to the traditional Spider Curls.

Pros and Cons of Spider Curls

As with any exercise, Spider Curls have their pros and cons. Consider the following:


  • Isolation of the biceps for targeted muscle growth
  • Full range of motion for improved muscle activation
  • Increased control and stability for proper form and technique
  • Can be customized with variations to add variety


  • Requires access to an inclined bench or a proper setup for the exercise
  • May not be suitable for individuals with lower back issues
  • Limited involvement of other muscles, potentially neglecting muscle imbalances

Preacher Curls

Definition and Technique of Preacher Curls

Similar to Spider Curls, Preacher Curls are designed to isolate the biceps and provide a targeted workout. The exercise is named after the preacher bench, a slanted bench with a padded surface that supports your arms and restricts upper body movement. Preacher Curls typically utilize a barbell or dumbbells.

To perform Preacher Curls correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Sit on the preacher bench with your upper arms resting on the inclined surface and your chest against the pad.
  2. Hold the barbell or dumbbells with an underhand grip, allowing your arms to fully extend.
  3. Keeping your upper arms stationary, curl the weights towards your shoulders in a controlled manner.
  4. Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement and then slowly lower the weights back to the starting position.

Benefits of Preacher Curls

Preacher Curls offer several benefits for building huge biceps:

  1. Isolation: Like Spider Curls, Preacher Curls isolate the biceps, minimizing the involvement of other muscles. This allows for better focus on the biceps and more effective muscle growth.
  2. Increased Stability: The preacher bench provides stability, preventing cheating or swinging of the weights. This promotes proper form and technique, reducing the risk of injury.
  3. Better Contraction: The angled position of the preacher bench places the biceps in a stretched position at the bottom of the movement, leading to a stronger contraction and increased muscle activation.
  4. Targeting Different Bicep Heads: Depending on the grip used, Preacher Curls can target different areas of the biceps, offering versatility in your bicep workout.

Muscles Targeted by Preacher Curls

Preacher Curls primarily target the biceps brachii, similar to Spider Curls. The long head of the biceps is the main focus, but the short head and brachialis muscles are also engaged during the movement. By using different grips, such as a narrow or wide grip, you can shift the emphasis to different areas of the biceps.

Variations of Preacher Curls

To keep your workouts exciting and challenging, consider incorporating these variations of Preacher Curls:

  1. Dumbbell Preacher Curls: Instead of using a barbell, use dumbbells for added stability and individual arm targeting. This allows for better muscle symmetry and activation.
  2. Reverse Preacher Curls: Change your grip to an overhand grip, targeting the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. This variation can help develop overall arm thickness and strength.
  3. One-arm Preacher Curls: Instead of using both arms simultaneously, perform Preacher Curls one arm at a time, intensifying the muscle engagement and activating stabilizer muscles.

Pros and Cons of Preacher Curls


  • Isolation of the biceps for targeted muscle growth
  • Increased stability and minimized cheating during the exercise
  • Better muscle contraction and activation
  • Versatility with different grips and variations


  • Requires access to a preacher bench or a suitable alternative setup
  • Limited involvement of other muscles, potentially neglecting muscle imbalances
  • May not be ideal for individuals with shoulder or chest issues
Spider Curls vs Preacher Curls: Which is Better for Building Huge Biceps?

Comparison and Analysis

Differences Between Spider Curls and Preacher Curls

While Spider Curls and Preacher Curls share similarities in targeting the biceps, there are notable differences between the two exercises:

  1. Body Positioning: Spider Curls require you to sit on an inclined bench with your chest against the inclined surface, while Preacher Curls involve sitting on a preacher bench with your upper arms resting on the inclined surface.
  2. Range of Motion: Spider Curls generally allow for a fuller range of motion due to the inclined position, while Preacher Curls offer a more limited range of motion.
  3. Equipment Requirement: Spider Curls require an inclined bench or an adequate setup, while Preacher Curls require a preacher bench or an alternative setup.
  4. Involvement of Other Muscles: While both exercises primarily target the biceps, Spider Curls involve less involvement of other muscles than Preacher Curls due to the body positioning and arm placement.
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Similarities Between Spider Curls and Preacher Curls

Although Spider Curls and Preacher Curls have their differences, they also share some similarities:

  1. Bicep Isolation: Both exercises excel at isolating and targeting the biceps, leading to potential muscle growth.
  2. Stability and Form: Both exercises provide stability through the use of a bench, minimizing the chances of using momentum or cheating during the movement.
  3. Concentrated Effort: Spider Curls and Preacher Curls require a concentrated effort from the biceps, allowing for focused and intense muscle activation.

Effectiveness for Bicep Growth

Both Spider Curls and Preacher Curls can be effective for bicep growth, provided they are performed correctly and incorporated into a well-rounded training plan. The key to building huge biceps lies in progressive overload, proper form, and consistency. You can achieve significant gains by regularly challenging your biceps with variations of these exercises and gradually increasing the weights over time.

Impact on Other Muscles

Spider Curls and Preacher Curls primarily target the biceps brachii muscles but involve some activation of other muscles as well. While Spider Curls involve relatively less involvement of other muscles, Preacher Curls engage the brachialis, brachioradialis, and other stabilizing muscles to a greater extent. Therefore, if you are looking for more overall arm development, Preacher Curls may be a better choice. However, it’s important to consider your individual goals and preferences when choosing a exercise.

Importance of Proper Form and Execution

Regardless of whether you choose Spider Curls or Preacher Curls, proper form and execution are crucial for maximizing the benefits and minimizing the risk of injury. Maintaining a controlled tempo, avoiding excessive swinging or cheating, and ensuring a full range of motion are key factors to keep in mind. It’s also important to start with lighter weights and gradually increase them as you progress, focusing on quality reps rather than sheer quantity.

Choosing the Right Exercise

When deciding between Spider Curls and Preacher Curls, consider the following factors:

Individual Goals and Preferences

Your specific goals and preferences should guide your decision. If you prefer a fuller range of motion and greater activation of stabilizing muscles, Spider Curls may be your preferred choice. However, if you have access to a preacher bench and prioritize stability and control, Preacher Curls may be more suitable.

Training Experience and Strength Levels

Your training experience and strength levels should also be taken into account. Spider Curls require slightly more stability and core strength due to the inclined bench positioning, while Preacher Curls may be more accessible for beginners or individuals with limited strength. Adjust the weights and variations accordingly to match your current level.

Injury History and Pre-existing Conditions

If you have a history of lower back issues or shoulder/chest problems, it’s important to choose an exercise that minimizes stress on those areas. Consulting with a fitness professional or sports therapist can help you determine which exercise may be safer and more suitable for your specific condition.

Considerations for Well-rounded Arm Development

While Spider Curls and Preacher Curls can contribute to bicep growth, it’s important to remember that a well-rounded arm development includes targeting other muscle groups, such as the triceps and forearms. Incorporating exercises that target these areas into your routine, alongside the chosen bicep exercise, can help create balanced and aesthetically pleasing arms.

Consult with a Fitness Professional

If you’re unsure about which exercise to choose or how to properly perform Spider Curls or Preacher Curls, it’s always a good idea to consult with a fitness professional. They can assess your needs, provide personalized guidance, and ensure that you’re performing the exercises correctly to avoid any potential injuries.

Spider Curls vs Preacher Curls: Which is Better for Building Huge Biceps?

Sample Workout Routines

To give you an idea of how Spider Curls and Preacher Curls can be incorporated into a workout routine, here are two sample routines:

Spider Curls Emphasized Routine

  1. Spider Curls: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  2. Hammer Curls: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  3. Tricep Dips: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  4. Reverse Curls: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Preacher Curls Emphasized Routine

  1. Preacher Curls: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  2. Skull Crushers: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  3. Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  4. Concentration Curls: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Overhead Tricep Extensions: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
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Combining Spider Curls and Preacher Curls

You can also incorporate both Spider Curls and Preacher Curls into your routine for a well-rounded bicep workout. By alternating between exercises, you can challenge your biceps from different angles and optimize muscle growth.

Training Tips and Recommendations

To make the most out of your Spider Curls and Preacher Curls workouts, consider the following tips and recommendations:

Warm-up and Stretching

Before diving into the workout, it’s important to warm up your muscles and joints with dynamic stretches and light cardio exercises. This prepares your body for the upcoming workout and reduces the risk of injuries. After the workout, perform static stretches to promote flexibility and aid in recovery.

Progressive Overload and Variation

To continue making progress and stimulating muscle growth, it’s important to progressively increase the weights or resistance over time. This process, known as progressive overload, challenges your muscles and promotes adaptation. Additionally, incorporating variations such as alternating grips or incorporating supersets can add variety and challenge to your workouts.

Focus on Eccentric and Concentric Phases

Don’t neglect the eccentric (lowering) phase of the exercise. Lower the weights slowly and under control to maximize muscle stimulation. Similarly, focus on the concentric (lifting) phase, squeezing your biceps at the top of the movement for better muscle activation.

Proper Rest and Recovery

Allowing your muscles to rest and recover is essential for muscle growth and overall progress. Aim for at least 48 hours of rest between bicep workouts to give your muscles ample time to recover and repair. Adequate sleep, proper nutrition, and hydration also play vital roles in the recovery process.

Nutrition and Hydration

Fueling your body with the right nutrients and staying hydrated are crucial for optimal muscle growth and performance. Consume a balanced diet rich in lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to support muscle repair and growth. Stay hydrated before, during, and after your workouts to maintain proper bodily functions and prevent dehydration.

Spider Curls vs Preacher Curls: Which is Better for Building Huge Biceps?

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To ensure you’re maximizing your efforts and minimizing the risk of injury, avoid the following common mistakes when performing Spider Curls and Preacher Curls:

Poor Exercise Form and Technique

Using improper form and technique can lead to ineffective workouts and potential injuries. Always prioritize maintaining proper posture, engaging your core, and using controlled movements throughout the exercises.

Using Excessive Weight

While it may be tempting to lift heavy weights, using excessive weight can compromise your form and increase the risk of injury. Start with lighter weights and focus on performing the exercises correctly before gradually increasing the resistance.

Neglecting Full Range of Motion

To fully engage your biceps and promote muscle growth, ensure you’re utilizing a full range of motion throughout the exercises. Avoid cutting corners or performing partial reps, as this diminishes the effectiveness of the exercise.

Ignoring Other Arm Muscle Groups

While Spider Curls and Preacher Curls target the biceps, neglecting other arm muscle groups can lead to muscle imbalances and potential injuries. Incorporate exercises that target the triceps, forearms, and shoulders to achieve well-rounded arm development.

Overtraining and Lack of Rest

Overtraining can lead to decreased performance, increased risk of injury, and hindered muscle growth. Give your biceps adequate rest and recovery time between workouts to allow for optimal muscle repair and growth.

Safety Precautions and Injury Prevention

To minimize the risk of injuries during your Spider Curls and Preacher Curls workouts, follow these safety precautions:

Proper Equipment and Setup

Ensure that you have access to suitable equipment for Spider Curls and Preacher Curls, such as an inclined bench or a preacher bench. Make sure the equipment is stable and secure before starting your exercises. If using free weights, always make sure the weight plates are properly secured on the barbell or dumbbell handles.

Gradual Progression and Incremental Load Increases

Avoid rapid increases in weights or repetitions, as this can lead to overexertion and injuries. Gradually progress by increasing the weight or resistance in small increments to allow your muscles and connective tissues to adapt.

Listening to Your Body

Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or pain during your workouts. If you experience any sharp or prolonged pain, discontinue the exercise and seek medical advice if necessary. It’s important to differentiate between the discomfort associated with muscle fatigue and the pain associated with potential injuries.

Warm-up Sets and Deloading Weeks

Warm-up sets are essential to prepare your muscles and joints for the upcoming exercises. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance to get your muscles primed for the main workout. Additionally, consider incorporating deloading weeks into your training routine. These weeks involve reducing the intensity and volume of your workouts to allow for recovery and prevent overtraining.

Seeking Medical Advice if Necessary

If you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns, it’s always wise to consult with a healthcare professional or sports therapist before starting a new exercise program. They can provide personalized advice and address any specific concerns related to your health.

Spider Curls vs Preacher Curls: Which is Better for Building Huge Biceps?


When it comes to building huge biceps, Spider Curls and Preacher Curls are both effective exercises. By targeting the biceps with isolation and focused efforts, these exercises can contribute to muscle growth and arm development. While Spider Curls focus more on the long head of the biceps with a fuller range of motion, Preacher Curls offer increased stability and versatile grip options.

To determine which exercise is better for you, consider your individual goals, training experience, injury history, and overall arm development needs. Regardless of your choice, remember to prioritize proper form, progressive overload, and adequate rest and recovery. With consistency, dedication, and an individualized approach, you can achieve the huge biceps you desire.

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