The Benefits of Flat vs Incline Skull Crushers



The Benefits of Flat vs Incline Skull Crushers

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Have you ever wondered which type of skull crusher is better: flat or incline? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’re going to dive into the benefits of both and help you decide which variation is best for you.

Skull crushers are a popular exercise for targeting the triceps muscle. They involve lying on a bench with a barbell or dumbbells and extending your arms up towards the ceiling. But what’s the difference between flat and incline skull crushers?

Flat skull crushers are performed with the bench set at a 90-degree angle, while incline skull crushers are performed with the bench set at an incline, usually between 30-45 degrees. The angle of the bench can make a significant difference in the muscle activation and overall effectiveness of the exercise.

In the next paragraphs, we’ll go into more detail about the benefits of each variation and how they can help you achieve your fitness goals. So, whether you’re looking to build muscle or increase strength, keep reading to find out which type of skull crusher is right for you.

The Benefits of Flat vs Incline Skull Crushers


Skull crushers, also known as lying triceps extensions, are a popular exercise for targeting the triceps muscles in the upper body. The exercise gets its name from the movement involved, which resembles crushing a skull between the weight and your forehead (obviously, without actually crushing anything).

Skull crushers are typically performed using either a flat bench or an incline bench. Both variations have their own unique benefits and target slightly different muscles. In this article, we will explore the benefits of flat vs incline skull crushers and help you choose the right variation for your fitness goals.

Muscles Targeted

Before we dive into the benefits of each variation, let’s first understand which muscles are targeted during skull crushers. As the name suggests, the primary muscle group worked in this exercise is the triceps brachii, which is located on the back of the upper arm.

In addition to the triceps, skull crushers also engage the anterior deltoids (front shoulders) and the pectoralis major (chest muscles), albeit to a lesser extent. This makes skull crushers an excellent compound exercise that not only strengthens the triceps but also activates the surrounding muscles.

The Benefits of Flat vs Incline Skull Crushers

Benefits of Skull Crushers

Now that we have a clear understanding of what skull crushers are and the muscles they target, let’s explore the benefits of incorporating these exercises into your training routine.

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Increased Triceps Activation

One of the main benefits of skull crushers is the intense triceps activation they provide. By isolating the triceps muscles and targeting them directly, skull crushers help maximize the recruitment of muscle fibers in the triceps brachii. This leads to greater strength and muscle growth in the triceps region.

Improved Upper Body Strength

Skull crushers are a compound exercise that requires the activation of multiple muscles in the upper body, including the triceps, shoulders, and chest. By regularly performing skull crushers, you can improve your overall upper body strength, making it easier to perform other exercises and daily activities that involve pushing or lifting.

Enhanced Muscle Definition

If your goal is to achieve well-defined triceps and a sculpted upper body, incorporating skull crushers into your workout routine can be highly beneficial. The exercise not only builds strength but also helps to shape and define the triceps, resulting in a more toned and chiseled appearance.

Flat Skull Crushers

Flat skull crushers, as the name suggests, are performed on a flat bench. This variation is the most commonly used and is ideal for individuals of all fitness levels. Let’s take a closer look at the technique, primary muscles engaged, and advantages of flat skull crushers.


  1. Lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell or barbell in your hands.
  2. Extend your arms straight up towards the ceiling, holding the weight over your forehead.
  3. With your elbows slightly bent and pointing towards the ceiling, lower the weight towards your forehead, keeping your elbows in a fixed position.
  4. Once the weight is close to your forehead, push it back up to the starting position by extending your arms.

Primary Muscles Engaged

Flat skull crushers primarily target the triceps brachii muscles. The triceps are responsible for extending the elbow joint and play a vital role in movements such as pushing and pressing. By performing flat skull crushers, you can effectively isolate and strengthen the triceps muscles.


  • The flat skull crusher variation allows for a greater range of motion compared to the incline variation. This can help enhance muscle activation and development in the triceps.
  • Flat skull crushers are suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced lifters.
  • This variation can be easily modified by adjusting the weight or reps to suit your individual goals and abilities.
The Benefits of Flat vs Incline Skull Crushers

Incline Skull Crushers

Incline skull crushers, on the other hand, are performed on an incline bench. This variation changes the angle of the exercise, targeting slightly different muscles in the triceps. Let’s explore the technique, primary muscles engaged, and advantages of incline skull crushers.


  1. Adjust the incline bench to approximately 45 degrees.
  2. Sit down on the bench and firmly plant your feet on the ground.
  3. Hold the dumbbell or barbell with both hands, palms facing up.
  4. Extend your arms straight up above your forehead, with your elbows slightly bent and pointing towards the ceiling.
  5. Lower the weight towards your forehead, keeping your elbows in a fixed position.
  6. Push the weight back up to the starting position by extending your arms.
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Primary Muscles Engaged

Incline skull crushers primarily target the long head of the triceps brachii, which is the largest and most visible part of the triceps muscle. By adjusting the angle of the exercise, you can place more emphasis on this particular muscle group, leading to enhanced development and definition.


  • Incline skull crushers provide a different angle of resistance, which can help target the long head of the triceps more effectively.
  • This variation also engages the upper chest and front shoulders to a greater extent, leading to improved overall upper body development.
  • Incline skull crushers can help address muscle imbalances and provide variety in your workout routine.

Comparison between Flat and Incline Skull Crushers

Now that we have covered the individual benefits and techniques of both flat and incline skull crushers, let’s compare the two variations to determine their overall effectiveness and suitability for different goals.

Primary Differences

The primary difference between flat and incline skull crushers lies in the muscle groups targeted. Flat skull crushers predominantly work the triceps brachii as a whole, while incline skull crushers place greater emphasis on the long head of the triceps. Both variations are effective, but the specific emphasis may vary.


Both flat and incline skull crushers can be highly effective for building triceps strength and muscle definition. The choice between the two variations ultimately comes down to personal preference and individual goals. Some individuals may find one variation more effective than the other, depending on their unique physique and muscle imbalances.

Variation and Progression

To continually challenge your muscles and promote ongoing progress, it is important to incorporate variations and progressions in your workouts. By alternating between flat and incline skull crushers, you can target your triceps from different angles, providing variety and ensuring balanced muscle development.

The Benefits of Flat vs Incline Skull Crushers

Choosing the Right Variation for Your Goals

To choose the right variation of skull crushers for your goals, it is important to consider what you are specifically looking to achieve.

Triceps Muscle Development

If your primary goal is to build overall triceps strength and muscle mass, both flat and incline skull crushers can be effective. However, beginners may find the flat variation easier to perform initially, as it allows for a greater range of motion and involves fewer muscles.

Strength and Power

If you are focused on improving your upper body strength and pushing power, flat skull crushers may be the better option. The increased range of motion and engagement of multiple muscle groups can help build overall strength and power in the upper body.

Muscle Definition and Size

If your goal is to achieve highly defined and sculpted triceps, incline skull crushers may be more beneficial. The specific focus on the long head of the triceps can help enhance muscle definition and size in this particular area, resulting in a more aesthetic appearance.

Safety Tips and Precautions

As with any exercise, it is important to prioritize safety and take precautions to avoid injury. Here are some safety tips and precautions to keep in mind when performing skull crushers:

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Before starting your skull crusher workout, it is important to properly warm up your muscles. This can help prevent injuries and prepare your body for the exercise. Perform dynamic stretches and light cardio to increase blood flow and flexibility in the upper body.

Proper Technique

Maintaining proper technique during skull crushers is essential to maximize benefits and minimize the risk of injury. Ensure that your elbows are fixed and pointing towards the ceiling throughout the exercise. Avoid flaring your elbows out to the sides, as this can place unnecessary stress on the shoulder joints.

Appropriate Weight and Progression

Choose an appropriate weight that challenges your muscles but allows you to maintain proper form throughout the exercise. It is also important to progress gradually over time by increasing the weight or reps, as this will ensure continued muscular growth and avoid plateaus.

The Benefits of Flat vs Incline Skull Crushers

Tips to Maximize your Skull Crusher Workout

To get the most out of your skull crusher workout, consider implementing the following tips:

Proper Form and Range of Motion

Maintaining proper form and achieving a full range of motion is crucial for optimal results. Focus on lowering the weight towards your forehead without allowing your elbows to flare out. This will ensure that the triceps are effectively targeted and that you’re maximizing muscle activation.

Weight Selection

Choose a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form and control. It should be challenging, but not to the point where you sacrifice your technique. Gradually increase the weight over time as your strength and proficiency improve.

Supersetting and Variations

Incorporate supersets or variations of skull crushers within your workout routine to add variety and challenge. For example, you can superset flat and incline skull crushers to target different areas of the triceps and enhance overall muscle development.

Alternative Exercises for Triceps

While skull crushers are an excellent exercise for targeting the triceps muscles, there are also other effective exercises that can be incorporated into your triceps workout routine. Here are a few alternative exercises to consider:

Close Grip Bench Press

The close grip bench press is another compound exercise that primarily targets the triceps while engaging the chest and shoulders. It involves gripping the barbell with a narrower hand placement than the traditional bench press, placing more stress on the triceps muscles.


Dips are a bodyweight exercise that target the triceps, shoulders, and chest. By using parallel bars or a dip machine, you can perform this exercise to effectively work the triceps while also engaging the surrounding muscles.

Tricep Pushdowns

Tricep pushdowns are a machine-based exercise that isolates the triceps. Using a cable machine and a rope, bar, or handle attachment, you can perform this exercise by pushing the weight down while keeping your elbows stationary.


The benefits of incorporating skull crushers into your triceps workout routine are numerous. Whether you choose to perform flat skull crushers, incline skull crushers, or a combination of both, you can expect increased triceps activation, improved upper body strength, and enhanced muscle definition.

Consider your individual goals and preferences when deciding between flat and incline skull crushers. Remember to prioritize safety by focusing on proper form, appropriate weight selection, and gradual progression. And don’t hesitate to incorporate other tricep exercises into your routine for added variety and muscle development.

By consistently incorporating skull crushers and other tricep exercises into your workout routine, you will be well on your way to achieving stronger, more defined triceps and an overall sculpted upper body. So grab a bench, a dumbbell or barbell, and start crushing those skulls, figuratively of course!

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